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Como un gesto de agradecimiento a los pacientes, Long Term WLS / VSG ofrece una cirugía de manga gástrica sin costo.

Long Term WLS - Regala Manga Gastrica   En los 10 últimos años, el número de pacientes que se han sometido a un procedimiento bariátrico se ha incrementado considerablemente. Esto ha reducido los precios para este tipo de cirugías, sin embargo aún existe un gran número de personas que simplemente no pueden tener acceso a esta operación debido a restricciones económicas.   En Long Term WLS/VSG tenemos un verdadero interés por las necesidades de...

General guidelines to follow at home after bariatric surgery…

General guidelines to follow at home after bariatric surgery… Dr. Jorge Maytorena performs weight loss surgeries using laparoscopic technique, this type of technique is a less invasive procedure that allows the patient a faster recovery (About 1 to 3 weeks for most people). Every patient’s body reacts different to pain or another side effects after surgery, but you might feel familiar with this common symptoms after surgery. • Pain in your belly,...

Psychological effects of being obese during childhood

 Weight Loss Surgery for Teens in Tijuana Mexico - Long Term WLS Psychological effects of being obese during childhood The surge in obesity among children and adolescents in the United States poses a number of serious physical, psychological and emotional issues… You may hear stories about the happy fat person, right? Well, as lovely and comforting this may sound, they may be more myth than reality in most children and teenagers...

Is the Duodenal Switch (DS) the right procedure for me?

  Is the Duodenal Switch (DS) the right procedure for me? Nowadays are more types of bariatric surgeries to treat morbid obesity related diseases and as an effective way to lose weight, you might hear before about Gastric Sleeve Surgery or Gastric Bypass… But there’s way more other options according to your personal needs!   What is a Duodenal Switch surgery? A gastrostomy is basically cutting a high percent of the patient stomach, leaving a...

Why should I choose Sleeve SADI-S surgery to lose weight?

  Why should I choose Sleeve SADI-S surgery to lose weight? The bariatric procedure known as Sleeve SADI-S (Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy) is one of the newest and most effective surgeries to lose weight and treat morbid obesity health issues related, this type of bariatric surgery is mainly based on malabsorption; lessening the intestinal loop of the patient to reduce the absorption of the nutrients achieving greater and effective...

Post-op diet plan… am I doing it right?

Bariatric Surgery in Tijuana Mexico - Long Term WLS …What comes after my post-op 4 phase diet plan? A lot of people who go under bariatric surgery  to lose weight, but once they finish their post-op meal plan they don’t know what comes next or what to eat or how they can continue their new lifestyle. It’s hard to change a lifestyle but it’s never impossible, the secret here is DETERMINATION and also eating...

Why do Long Term VSG and Dr. Maytorena provide such a low price?

Affordable Weight Loss Surgery in Tijuana Mexico Why do Long Term WLS / VSG and Dr. Maytorena provide such a low price? In Long Term WLS / VSG we understand our patient’s necessities, besides offering and guaranteeing high standard health care, we adjusted some of our bariatric surgeries prices to a promotional price according to almost every one of our patient’s budget. This is a unique opportunity, for now we are able...