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Plastic surgery after massive weight loss

Plastic surgery after massive weight loss

Life after Bariatric surgery – Weight loss surgery in Tijuana Mexico

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Losing so much weight after being obese or overweight during a long period of time; and being able to change your lifestyle to a healthier one is already a big accomplishment for your quality of life and obviously you looks. There’s no secret that losing weight also makes you feel motivated to improve your whole appearance; from changing your hairstyle to new style of clothing, from using a different make up to using beauty products to look more fresh and young… Why? Because you want to reflect how you feel inside and share your new energy to the world.

After major weight loss, most people may still have loose or heavy folds of skin left as a reminder of your older self. For this and many other reasons, people decide to get some “extra” help and restore certain areas of the body by removing sagging skin around the face and neck, upper arms, abdomen, breast, buttocks or tights…

I’m a candidate for Plastic Surgery after major weight loss?

If you are looking for plastic surgery to improve your body contour, check the next characteristics that make you a good candidate:

  • Following healthy diet; problems such as protein and vitamin deficiencies can interfere with healing.
  • At least 10 to 12 months after having weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery). Waiting over 1 year after major weight loss will provide you optimal results; a long period of time allows your skin shrink as much as possible and weight loss has stabilized.
  • Your weight and nutrition has been stable for at least six months. (No major weight loss expected in the future)
  • You’re in overall good health without chronic medical conditions.
  • A non-smoking patient or at least 1 month without smoking… Smoking slows down the healing process of your body and increases the risk of serious complications during and after plastic surgery.
  • You have made re-search and understand realistic expectations of the process and final outcome.

After major weight loss… Which plastic surgery procedure is the right for me?

In most cases, the patient already has an idea of his/her dreamed body or a general expectation of the final outcome; although the plastic surgeon is the most qualified to provide an professional opinion about the right plastic or cosmetic procedure according to the patients characteristics and necessities without sacrificing a satisfying result.

So as a recommendation, you must have a personal or virtual consultation with the plastic surgeon of your choice. During consultation you will be able to express your expectations and feelings related with the procedures, so you and your surgeon can set realistic, esthetic and healthy goal.

Here we share the most common procedures after bariatric surgery and/or major weight loss:

  • Tummy tuck, also called “abdominoplasty” (Abdomen)
  • Arm lift, also called brachioplasty (Upper arms)
  • Breast lift and/or breast Augmentation
  • Neck Lift and/or Face lift
  • Tight Lift also called “thighplasty”
  • Total body lift, upper body lift or lower body lift


How do I choose a plastic surgeon after major weight loss?

If you are already considering to have plastic surgery in a short or long future, it’s crucial to choose a trusted and certified plastic surgeon, don’t choose a surgeon only for his/her prices or great advertising. In order to have a safe, healthy and amazing experience, we share you the main tips to choose the perfect surgeon for you:

  • Look for a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, make sure that your surgeon is certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) or an Official Plastic Surgery Board of his country.
  • Cross References, find out if your plastic surgeon participate on any professional association or society, this will make you feel more secure about his work ethics and quality.
  • Check his/her plastic surgery specializations. (Not all plastic surgeons perform post-bariatric procedures)
  • Experience, confirm years of surgical training and professional practice.
  • Make some research and find the reviews, especially before and after pictures of former patient who underwent the same procedure, check referrals and comments.
  • Price is obviously an important matter in this life changing situation; low and affordable prices don’t necessarily mean bad quality. First make sure that your surgeon has all the requirements above and then go by price. Most plastic surgeons publish their promotions and special prices on their social media, so start checking on their official accounts and get all the info related.


So now that you know the first steps to start looking in to plastic surgery, we invite you to check our options… Our team will happily help you to get in contact with our recommended Plastic surgeon Dr. Manuel Gutierrez, who it’s a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with great bedside manners and work ethics. With over 20 years of experience, he is a surgeon you can trust… Get in contact with us, so you can get a free consultation!

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