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Why should I choose Sleeve SADI-S surgery to lose weight?

Why should I choose Sleeve SADI-S surgery to lose weight?


Why should I choose Sleeve SADI-S surgery to lose weight?

The bariatric procedure known as Sleeve SADI-S (Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy) is one of the newest and most effective surgeries to lose weight and treat morbid obesity health issues related, this type of bariatric surgery is mainly based on malabsorption; lessening the intestinal loop of the patient to reduce the absorption of the nutrients achieving greater and effective weight loss results.



  • Patients who go under Sleeve SADI-S surgery can achieve a higher remission rates of type 2 diabetes…

    Even though this type of surgery is mostly known as “main option or solution” for revision surgery patients (patients that already went through another bariatric surgery in the past and didn’t achieve the weight loss results they’ve expected), sleeve SADI-S can be performed the first time; especially when the patient have type 2 diabetes. How is that reflected? Sleeve SADI-S is a Malabsorptive procedure, this type of operations offer excellent metabolic improvement to the patient. Studies have shown that diabetic patients didn’t need an anti-diabetic therapy after Sleeve SADI-S, normalizing glucose or HbA1c levels after six months of the surgery.

  • Revision surgery patients! We have amazing news for you…

    Sleeve SADI-S is the perfect option for those patients who already went through bariatric surgery in the past and didn’t achieve the results they’ve expected are looking to “re-sleeve” and improve their weight loss results. Why is the best option? This is a single anastomosis procedure that reduces the time of the surgery and decreases the possibility of surgical related complications… Also, the patient can achieve the same 100 percent of weight loss as it was the first bariatric surgery, many studies have proved that excess weight loss reached is from 90 to 100 percent the first year after surgery and it was maintain over the second and third year after surgery in more than 90 percent of the patients.

  • Affordable weight loss surgery!

    In Long Term VSG we understand our patient’s needs, that’s why we are currently offering Sleeve SADI-S surgery starting at $4,499 USD… For us is very important that every one of our patients have the possibility of having the bariatric surgery they’ve always wanted or needed to help them achieve greater weight loss results, but mostly important; an introduction to a better and healthier lifestyle.

Contact us! 1 888 3494769 and apply for surgery…

Three month from now, you will thank yourself!

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