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WLS for teenagers

Weight Loss Surgery for teenagers in Tijuana Mexico – Long Term WLS/VSG

Teenager Obesity, weight loss surgery is the long term solution!

There´s no secret that the frequency of being overweight has increased dramatically in recent years, but this social phenomenon has grown considerably on child’s and teenagers, in the united states approximately one third of youth are either overweight or obese.

There are many factors that contribute to excess weight and obesity among teens; poor eating habits, lack of physical activity, low self-esteem, medications, medical illness, family and peer problems, depression, stressful life events (separations, divorce, abuse, deaths…), family history of obesity, and many more… However, we cannot change our genes, but what we can do change is our habits and environment

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It’s pretty clear to recognize obesity, but most difficult to treat… Nowadays obesity is responsible for over 300,000 deaths each year, because there is so many complications and physical consequences not only for adults, sadly children and teen with overweight are experiencing or developing health conditions such as hormonal changes, joint pain, trouble sleeping, breathing problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease and several emotional problems…

Obesity in almost every case, becomes a lifelong issue… Childhood and teenage is an important phase of our lives, it involves several psychological and physical changes in the body, some of them generally determinates how we act and live as adults, and being obese in this phase and the rest of life is not specifically a positive way of living. Like we said before, obesity is a main factor in developing several diseases, decreasing quality of life and health. So it’s very important to do something effective about obesity at such a young age, deciding to change your lifestyle to a healthier one and stick to it may be the best choice to take care of your body and yourself.

Weight loss surgery for teenagers it’s definitely another good and long term choice to treat obesity… Yes, it’s a drastic and controversial decision for many people, but many studies and patients confirm the improvement in existing and future health problems and the end of many mental issues… We understand that it’s a very difficult decision to make for someone you love at such a young age, but it’s more understandable to want a less problematic life and quality health for your child/sibling in the present and the future.

Choosing weight loss surgery is the most effective procedure to lose weight, and mostly important is the open window to a healthier lifestyle… You can learn at such a young age to take care of what you eat, realize more physical activities, be aware of your mind and body necessities, maintain a better way of living…

Teenagers requirements for bariatric surgery with Long Term VSG:

  • The teen should be 14 years old or more
  • BMI over 40
  • Health conditions such as diabetes, breathing problems, high blood pressure, heart disease, motion difficulty…
  • Supportive family
  • Do not have an untreated eating disorder

Recommendation: The teenager should be working with a psychologist and nutritionist to aid in the process along with the rest of the medical team to ensure the best results possible…

For more information about bariatric surgery for teenagers, contact us!

We’ll be glad to clear all your doubts…

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