Weight loss surgery in Tijuana Mexico with Long Term WLS / VSG
Stall after Bariatric Surgery – What I’m I doing wrong?
If you are experiencing a weight loss plateau following gastric sleeve, or any bariatric surgery for that matter, it does not mean you have failed. In fact this is very common, especially on the first 3 to 10 months post surgery. Remember that losing weight requires time and persistence. In order to overcome this situation we share with you some important information, so you can identify the source of the problem and take control over your body:

Stall After Bariatric Surgery
- Check if you are losing weight in sizes instead of pounds! Just because you scale stops moving, doesn’t mean that you are failing. It is very important to take body measurements and pictures before and after bariatric surgery, so you can have a reference as the weight loss progresses.
- Don’t stress! Get at least 8 hours of sleep; the lack of sleep and stress are the main triggers for sweet cravings and boosting of your hunger.
- Stay Hydrated! This is a MUST for optimal metabolic performance. Daily minimum recommendation is 65 fl Oz of water a day.
- Mix up you diet! It is very important to take track of your everyday diet, so you can determine if your stall is due to a metabolism change or if bad eating choices are sneaking up on you. Focus on more protein and less carbs (don’t fall below a 1,200-800 cal. diet without consulting a nutritionist); try new ingredients on your meals; choose small portions from 3 to 5 times per day… Why? Your metabolism has adjusted to your new eating habits; to stimulate and make it work faster you have to switch it up again.
- Change your exercise routine! Exercise helps to burn fat and increase metabolism, if you are not doing anything START TODAY! To overcome a weight loss stall you must try different physical activities once in a while (not necessarily to do more). If the exercises have been mainly cardio, try doing a bit of strength training; if they have been mainly high-intensity interval training, try an aerobic workout.
- Keep in mind! The age factor is also a big player here, especially for women; patients that already experienced menopause might be having more difficulty to loose the weight. Female body is reserving fat to generate estrogen for when it gets low in the system, so think of it as a defense mechanism.
Long term WLS – longtermvsg@gmail.com
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