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Is the Duodenal Switch (DS) the right procedure for me?

  Is the Duodenal Switch (DS) the right procedure for me? Nowadays are more types of bariatric surgeries to treat morbid obesity related diseases and as an effective way to lose weight, you might hear before about Gastric Sleeve Surgery or Gastric Bypass… But there’s way more other options according to your personal needs!   What is a Duodenal Switch surgery? A gastrostomy is basically cutting a high percent of the patient stomach, leaving a...

Why should I choose Sleeve SADI-S surgery to lose weight?

  Why should I choose Sleeve SADI-S surgery to lose weight? The bariatric procedure known as Sleeve SADI-S (Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy) is one of the newest and most effective surgeries to lose weight and treat morbid obesity health issues related, this type of bariatric surgery is mainly based on malabsorption; lessening the intestinal loop of the patient to reduce the absorption of the nutrients achieving greater and effective...